Gender-Relevant Violence Data for Implementing ATT Articles 6 and 7
The Governement of Canada and The Small Arms Survey invite you to their side event at the First CSP6 Informal Preparatory Meeting.
The capacities of states to accurately assess the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) and other forms of human rights violations lie at the heart of effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty's Articles 6 and 7.
According to new research from the Small Arms Survey, however, current state data collection efforts on gendered aspects of lethal violence are weak due to technical, financial, and other factors. Many states still lack the capacity to produce and share simple data for lethal violence disaggregated by sex, especially for conflict-related deaths. Overcoming these impediments will be necessary to achieve the ATT's aspiration to contribute to preventing serious human rights violations, including GBV. Ongoing efforts by governments, civil society and academia, including within the framework of the 'data revolution' supporting the measurement of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, should play important roles in this regard.
This side event will:
- Describe new Small Arms Survey research assessing the overall availability of gender-relevant data on lethal violence, existing datasets and their possible use and applicability for ATT Articles 6 and 7;
- Provide the perspective of a national statistical office on good practices for generating and reporting sex-disaggregated gender-relevant lethal violence data;
- Update on state efforts to report on conflict deaths (Sustainable Development Goals Indicator 16.1.2) and other initiatives that could eventually contribute to inform ATT Article 7 risk assessments; and
- Highlight civil society initiatives that establish sound practices for generating GBV and humanrights violations data outside of official statistics efforts that can contribute to implementing Articles 6 and 7
- Representative of the Government of Canada (welcoming remarks)
- Anna Alvazzi del Frate, Small Arms Survey
- Sonia Mueller-Rappard, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
- Maria Giuseppina Muratore, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT), Italy
- Katrin Geyer, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Facilitator: Emile LeBrun, Small Arms Survey
This event is organized within the framework of the Small Arms Survey’s Gender Lens for Arms Control Support and Sustainability (GLASS) project, funded by Foreign Affairs Canada, which seeks to strengthen women’s meaningful participation in arms control and to enhance evidence-based, genderresponsive small arms programming at the intersection of the converging agendas on Women, Peace and Security, Agenda 2030, and the multiple instruments of international arms control regime, including the ATT.
- Download the event flyer